This sassy little tinkerbell thinks its awesome being green!

This sassy little tinkerbell thinks its awesome being green!

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Food Assignment 1

I had totally forgotten about my assignment. Eating for three (3) days and taking notes about what you ate and at what time is really frustrating. I mean, come on. When I am hungry and want food, do you really expect me to remember to take notes. Yes, I know that in the previous message i said it would be fun and an exercise that I would reccommend to anyone, but now reality has kicked me in the face. So because of this, I will have to jog my memory and remember my meals for the last three days.
I am a Seventh Day Aventist. As a result of this, I attend church every saturday. On this particular saturday however, I had no breakfast. Now dont think I'm saying ths to get out of writing this,but it just so happens to be a bad habit. So in the time i would normally have breakfast I was getting ready for church.
At approximately 1: 45 p.m, i came home and ate lunch. This consisted of dumplings, yam and cabbage. For those of you who do not know this dish and how it is prepared, get a notepad and start writing. First you need to gather these ingredients: flour, cornmeal (optional), yam, salt, cabbage and water.
1. Mix the flour, cornmeal and salt together in a bowl, then throw water into it consisently and knead it until it becomes dough. Then you separate it into several lttle pieces and roll each and every piece into a circle. when this is completed you place it in the palm of your hand and press it down. when it becomes flatter drop it into a pot with boiling hot water to cook.
2. Take the yam and peel off the skin. cut it into several medium sized pieces and also drop into pot.
3. Wash the cabbage. Take off several leaves then begin to chop it up on a cutting board. Cut up tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions and scotch bonnet pepper to taste. Throw all of this into a frying pan with cooking oil, ketchup and salt. then saute. After a while the pot with the cabbage may start to dry out, so throw water in and let it simmer on low fire.
4. By this, the pot with the food would have finished. Turn off the stove and share to your hearts desire. Enjoy

That evening I had no dinner. I was still full from all the food I had eaten earlier. Instead, I drank some milk and decided to do Professor Lucca's homework.

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